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digital industry services

Стремим се да бъдем в услуга на най-добрите  постижения в европейската индустрия, с които да повишим нейната конкурентностособност в условията на глобална икономика, чрез различни проекти за трансформация на нашите клиенти в областта на:

  • Автомобилната индустрия и Транспорта
  • Авиация и отбрана
  • Високи технологии
  • Промишлено оборудване
  • Потребителски стоки
  • Hауки за живота
  • Cтроителство

Ние работим в тясно сътрудничество с водещите софтуерни компании, специализирани в дигитализирането на индустрията.

inensia tag cloud

Портфолио (английски)

Зареждане на …
  • World leader in aircraft passenger seats

    INENSIA has been selected to migrate legacy data from 15+ international heterogeneous databases to the new group system to manage Standard Parts. INENSIA oversees design and build of the Migration Chain (Extract, Transform, Load & Validate), as well as the progressive execution of the migration for each legacy system.

  • Leading provider of industrial equipments

    Our customer is a worldwide leading company designing and manufacturing high-tech industrial equipments to serve the electronics market. In the context of a ambitious program of Simulation Process & Data Management, Inensia has been selected as a trusted advisor during the software selection phase to formalize the business needs, define the selection criteria and prepare […]

  • Mersen | Global Expert in Electrical Power and Advanced Materials

    INENSIA is in charge of maintaining the Mersen EP’s PIM/PLM application based on ARAS Innovator technology, used in 10+ sites worldwide. This third level maintenance and support activity includes bug fixing, implementation of application improvements, advanced technical support, performance enhancements and preventive maintenance. It covers the application full scope – Product (Engineering) & Information (Marketing) […]

  • Leading supplier of power transmissions in the Aerospace field

    INENSIA mission was to assist our customer business team in providing support activities for Dassault Systèmes applications deployed (or in process of deployment). Scope of activities: – Day to day business & technical support on Enovia 2014X and Smarteam – Securing the deployment of patches and functional changes – Carrying out specific methodological missions according […]

  • Mersen | Global Expert in Electrical Power and Advanced Materials

    In addition to its role of Global System Integrator of the PLM Program, Inensia is involved on Business side in roll-out activities (Adoption, training, go-live preparation) for both French & US entities in sync with Mersen Core Team. Mersen PLM program is an ambitious transformation initiative aiming at defining and implementing a global PLM backbone […]

  • DAMEN | International shipyard group based in Netherland

    INENSIA is part of the Program Management team from the beginning of the DS 3DExperience program, as External Quality Advisor. INENSIA brings its experience and knowledge of large PLM programs to assist in planning, executing the project and mitigating the risks.

  • Safran | Key player in propulsion systems for aerospace sector

    INENSIA designed and implemented an application to manage the Simulation Process & Data (SPDM) in the area of engine bearings, based on the Aras Innovator platform. Based on geometric parameters and flight condition data, the SPDM launches the process, run the simulation software at each step and manages input/output information up to the final key […]

  • World leader in Stationary & Shavers domains

    INENSIA assisted R&D and Engineering Departments in defining a new Information System Roadmap aligned with some major corporate transformation initiatives (Merge of business units, new digital strategy). Our business consultants performed an analysis of existing processes and systems, evaluated different scenarios to harmonize and come to a single new IS Engineering Repository System within 3 […]

  • World leader in aircraft passenger seats

    INENSIA designed and implemented a Proof Of Concept to address MES needs based on the Aras Innovator Platform using an Agile based methodology. Our customer launched an initiative to digitalize part of the Shop floor in UK to : – Provide digital access to Work Instructions – Share in real time the status of every […]

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