Meet the team – Zdravka

Today, we shine the spotlight on one of our exceptional team members who has been an integral part of the Inensia family for the past three years – Zdravka!
Her journey with us has been nothing short of inspiring, and we are excited to share a glimpse into her world:

Interests & Hobbies:
Beyond her role at Inensia, Zdravka’s passions add color to her vibrant personality: Traditional Bulgarian dance enthusiast; Nature lover – you’ll often find her walking and running in the woods.  A dedicated reader and listener of books, always seeking new knowledge and inspiration.

Best experience at Inensia:
Zdravka’s most captivating experience at Inensia was delving into the realm of robotics development. She worked on a fascinating project that brought together the worlds of robotics, 3D modeling, and data creation.

Why Inensia?
Zdravka recommends Inensia for its culture that fosters collaboration, diversity, and inclusion in a work environment that prioritizes inspiration, growth and well-being.

Join us in congratulating Zdravka on her remarkable three-year journey with Inensia!