Inside Inensia: Benoit’s Internship Journey

Curious about Benoit Pilat’s impactful internship journey at Inensia? Let’s unravel the behind-the-scenes details!

Motivation Behind Joining:
Benoit was drawn by the allure of a compelling project and the prospect of exploring Bulgaria, making his decision to join Inensia a unique blend of professional growth and adventure.

Key Responsibilities:
His central role involved spearheading the implementation of an eco-design tool on PLM software, addressing the comprehensive assessment of environmental impacts in product lifecycles.

Day-to-Day Operations:
Commencing with initial PLM software training, Benoit seamlessly transitioned to project involvement, where a meticulous review of documentation laid the groundwork for tangible project implementation.

Learn more about Benoit’s experience! Benoit’s internship wasn’t just pro-growth; it was a game-changer in his study game. Bulgaria and the Inensia squad – he’s gonna miss them big time!