The Mersen “VOYAGER” PLM Program has landed!

This month we attended our last VOYAGER PLM project meeting as we reached the end or our exciting PLM journey at Mersen EP. Indeed, thanks to our integrated Mersen/Inensia team, we successfully deployed the ARAS PLM platform in the largest Mersen EP engineering sites (France, USA, Mexico) as well as many smaller sites worldwide (Austria, Hungary, Tunisia, Canada, China, India), tightly connected with SolidWorks and replacing 6 legacy systems. This project is a major step in the Digital Transformation program at MERSEN and it was a real pleasure working closely with such a passionate & involved team. From an Inensia point of view, we have demonstrated our ability to handle end-to-end […]

Simulation Data Structuring as a Key Success Factor of Your SPDM Journey – A Presentation by Hernan Giognorio at the NAFEMS World Congress 2021

On October 28th, 2021, our Simulation Practice Lead Hernan Giagnorio gave a presentation at the NAFEMS 2021 World Congress, where he talked about Simulation Management and how to structure your simulation data in the context of a SPDM initiative. If you want to learn more about the the SPDM initiative in the context of mid-size organizations, the following article summarizes what was discussed in the form of an abstract. Access the article here. Contact us at for more information.

Inensia attending Career Days: IT, Communications and Outsourcing Online Event on October 20th

Are you looking for new professional challenges? Want to see how an idea becomes a reality? Are you willing to innovate the industry while using various technologies? Join us on October 20th! Inensia will be participating in the Career Days: IT, Communications and Outsourcing online event. Through the Brazen platform, attendees will be able to connect with employers by chatting for up to 10 minutes, or by video-calling for up to 15 minutes. Candidates can already set up their profile by registering here! Once this is done, you can preview our booth, see our current job offers as well as schedule an interview with our recruiters. Inense your Career! As […]

Inensia “Simulation Management” session at the NAFEMS World Congress | October 28th 2021

Inensia will be at the NAFEMS World Congress on October 28th! We will be talking about Simulation Management and how to structure your Simulation data in the context of a SPDM initiative, with our Simulation Practice Lead Hernan Giagnorio. Over the years, the expansion of simulation as part of products’ development and validation process has resulted in an increase in simulation data to be stored. This has created the need to appropriately match the simulation data with the input data that is consumed to produce it. To bring the product to market in a shorter timeframe, each iteration loop results in an evolution of the product’s definition which should bring it […]

Webinar Inensia | Introduction aux concepts MES sur la plateforme Hydra avec MPDV | Jeudi 14 Octobre à 16h00 (CET)

Inensia, conseil et intégrateur en transformation digitale dans l’industrie, vous invite à un Webinar de présentation des concepts MES (Manufacturing Execution System) illustrés par des démonstrations ciblées de la plateforme MPDV HYDRA, en suivant un cas métier représentatif. A travers l’exemple d’une chaîne de conditionnement de peinture, nous aborderons les sujets d’ordonnancement, d’exécution des opérations, de diffusion des instructions, de collecte et historisation des données, de gestion des ressources, de traçabilité et d’analyse de performance en lien avec les systèmes connexes ERP et PLM. Pour revoir le Webinar, envoyez-nous un e-mail en précisant votre nom, le nom de votre entreprise, ainsi que votre adresse e-mail en cliquant ici ( Langue: […]

Join INENSIA at the Career Days: IT, Communications, Outsourcing 2021 Event

Come join and meet us, on October 7th! INENSIA will be participating in the Career Days: IT, Communications, Outsourcing / Дни на кариерата: ИТ, Комуникации и Аутсорсинг 2021 event in Sofia, Bulgaria.   As an international company, we offer a stimulating and supporting working environment with friendly, social and open-minded people. Are you looking for new professional challenges? Want to see how an idea becomes a reality? How a virtual design is transformed into a product? Are you a fast and eager learner who easily adapt? Are you willing to innovate the industry while using various technologies? Inense your career! Join our young and growing team to provide the best service to our […]

Improve quality of your PLM delivery thanks to Automated Tests

At each step of a PLM implementation project, we all already encountered any « unexpected and undesirable features » (Also called bugs 🙂 ) due to imperfect tests. It can be, for example, a regression of the functionalities or an error in the specifications. That is project life, and we must avoid them as much as possible using various quality means: automated tests are part of them. Automated tests are a concept allowing, well, to automate tests which were previously performed manually. They can be started for example every night or after each release. They are made using a tool which will allow you to: Create test scripts to simulate some use […]

Willkommen Matthias!

We are pleased to welcome Matthias Hofmann, who leads the strategic extension of INENSIA in Germany after 20 years of industrial and consulting experience. After 3 years of successful development in Bulgaria, France and BENELUX, serving more than 25 industrial companies with a team of 50 consultants passionate about Digital Industry transformation, INENSIA is ready to take up this new challenge! Stay tuned!

MERSEN Group selects MPDV and Inensia for its ambitious MES program

Paris/Mosbach, November 27, 2020 – The MERSEN Group, global expert in the field of electrical energy and high-performance materials, is supported by MPDV and Inensia to define and implement its new corporate MES program aligned with a strategic digital master plan. Inensia – company specialized in Digital Industry processes and systems – and MPDV – provider of the MES HYDRA solution – will combine their expertise and experience to deliver the next MES common platform across over 50 MERSEN factories worldwide. This ambitious MES program aims at increasing MERSEN operational performance by aligning worldwide production plants on a MES Core Model, with converged business processes supported by a powerful MES […]